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Description: Entity that represents the RocketPool protocol.

idID!The name of the RocketPool protocol.
stakersWithETHRewards[Staker!]!All stakers that have had ETH rewards while staking with RocketPool.
activeStakers[Staker!]!All stakers that currently have an rETH balance greater than 0.
stakers[Staker!]!All stakers that have ever held rETH.
lastNetworkStakerBalanceCheckPointNetworkStakerBalanceCheckpointLast known staker network balance checkpoint.
nodes[Node!]!All nodes that are registered with the RocketPool protocol.
nodeTimezones[NetworkNodeTimezone!]!All timezones associated with registered nodes.
lastRPLRewardIntervalRPLRewardIntervalLast known RPL reward interval.
lastNetworkNodeBalanceCheckPointNetworkNodeBalanceCheckpointLast known node network balance checkpoint.
networkNodeBalanceCheckpoints[NetworkNodeBalanceCheckpoint!]!All node network balance checkpoints for the RocketPool protocol.


Description: An address that is/was associated with an rETH balance.

idID!Address that holds rETH.
rETHBalanceBigInt!Current rETH balance in WEI.
ethBalanceBigInt!Current ETH balance in WEI.
totalETHRewardsBigInt!Total ETH rewards (in WEI) accrued during the lifecycle of the staker.
hasAccruedETHRewardsDuringLifecycleBoolean!Indicates if this staker has accrued ETH rewards at some point in time during its lifetime.
lastBalanceCheckpointStakerBalanceCheckpointThe last known staker balance checkpoint for this staker.
blockBigInt!Block number at which this staker first received rETH.
blockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this staker first received rETH.


Description: Tracks the mint, burn and transfers of rETH.

idID!Composite key based on transaction hash of the triggered event and its log index.
fromStaker!The address that was the original owner of the rETH.
amountBigInt!The rETH amount (in WEI) being transferred.
toStaker!The address that was the recipient of the rETH.
blockBigInt!The block number of this transaction.
blockTimeBigInt!The block timestamp of this transaction.
transactionHashBytes!The transaction hash.


Description: Summarizes staker related balances at a specific block and timestamp.

idID!Composite key based on transaction hash of the triggered event and its log index.
previousCheckpointIdStringId to the previous checkpoint.
nextCheckpointIdStringId to the next checkpoint.
stakerETHActivelyStakingBigInt!Staker ETH (in WEI) balance (initial deposit + (ETH network rewards - average node fee)) on the beacon chain at this checkpoint.
stakerETHWaitingInDepositPoolBigInt!Staker ETH (in WEI) waiting in the deposit pool at this checkpoint.
stakerETHInRocketETHContractBigInt!Staker ETH (in WEI) in the RocketETH contract at this checkpoint.
stakerETHInProtocolBigInt!Staker ETH (in WEI) in RocketPool at this checkpoint.
totalStakerETHRewardsBigInt!Staker ETH rewards (+/-) (in WEI) for all staker balance checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
totalStakersWithETHRewardsBigInt!Stakers that have had ETH rewards (+/-) up to this checkpoint.
averageStakerETHRewardsBigInt!Average staker ETH rewards (+/-) (in WEI) up to this checkpoint.
stakersWithAnRETHBalanceBigInt!Total unique stakers that have an rETH balance (in WEI) greater than 0 at this checkpoint.
totalRETHSupplyBigInt!Total rETH supply at this checkpoint.
rETHExchangeRateBigInt!Exchange rate of ETH:rETH (in WEI) at this checkpoint.
blockBigInt!Block Number of this checkpoint.
blockTimeBigInt!Block Timestamp of this checkpoint.


Description: Summarizes balances for a staker at a specific block and timestamp.

idID!Composite key consisting of the NetworkBalanceCheckpoint ID and the Staker ID.
stakerIdString!Staker that is associated with this balance checkpoint.
networkStakerBalanceCheckpointIdString!The network staker balance checkpoint that triggered the creation of this reward.
ethBalanceBigInt!ETH balance (in WEI) of the staker of this checkpoint.
rETHBalanceBigInt!rETH balance (in WEI) of the staker of this checkpoint.
totalETHRewardsBigInt!Total ETH rewards (in WEI) up to this checkpoint.
blockBigInt!Block Number of this checkpoint.
blockTimeBigInt!Block Timestamp of this checkpoint.


Description: A node address that was registered by a node operator.

idID!Address that is associated with a node on RocketPool.
timezoneNetworkNodeTimezone!Current timezone for this node.
isOracleNodeBoolean!Indicator that determines if a node is currently an oracle node or not.
oracleNodeRPLBondBigIntIf this node is currently an oracle node, signifies the RPL bond of the ODAO node.
oracleNodeBlockTimeBigIntIdentifies the block time of the last ODAO state change for this node.
rplStakedBigInt!Current RPL staked.
effectiveRPLStakedBigInt!Current effective RPL staked.
totalRPLSlashedBigInt!Total RPL slashed since this node was registered with RocketPool.
totalODAORewardsClaimedBigInt!Total claim amount accrued via the ODAO reward claim contract.
totalNodeRewardsClaimedBigInt!Total claim amount accrued via the regular reward claim contract.
averageODAORewardClaimBigInt!Average reward claim this node has done via the ODAO reward claim contract.
averageNodeRewardClaimBigInt!Average reward claim this node has done via the regular reward claim contract.
odaoRewardClaimCountBigInt!Total amount of successful RPL claims a node has done via the ODAO reward claim contract.
nodeRewardClaimCountBigInt!Total amount of successful RPL claims a node has done via the regular node reward claim contract.
minimumEffectiveRPLBigInt!Current minimum RPL needed to collateralize all staking minipools of this node by the bare minimum.
maximumEffectiveRPLBigInt!Current maximum RPL needed to collateralize all staking minipools of this node to the absolute maximum.
queuedMinipoolsBigInt!Current queued minipools
stakingMinipoolsBigInt!Current staking minipools
stakingUnbondedMinipoolsBigInt!Current unbonded staking minipools
withdrawableMinipoolsBigInt!Current withdrawable minipools.
totalFinalizedMinipoolsBigInt!Finalized minipools since this node was registered with RocketPool.
averageFeeForActiveMinipoolsBigInt!Average minipool fee for the active (NOT finalized or destroyed) minipools for this node operator.
lastNodeBalanceCheckpointNodeBalanceCheckpointLast node balance checkpoint for this node.
minipools[Minipool!]!Associated minipools for this node.
blockBigIntBlock number at which this node was first registered with the protocol.
blockTimeBigIntBlock timestamp at which this node was first registered with the protocol.


Description: Keeps track of the RPL staking transactions for a node.

idID!Composite key based on transaction hash of the triggered event and its log index.
nodeNode!Total number of nodes registered with this timezone.
amountBigInt!The total RPL amount that concerns this transaction.
ethAmountBigInt!The total ETH equivalent at the time of this transaction.
typeNodeRPLStakeTransactionType!The type of RPL stake transaction.
blockBigInt!On what block number did this transaction occur.
blockTimeBigInt!At what time did this transaction occur.


Description: Represents a reward interval during which RPL can be claimed by different types of claimers.

idID!Composite key based on transaction hash of the triggered event and its log index.
previousIntervalIdStringID to the previous.
nextIntervalIdStringID to the next interval.
claimableRewardsBigInt!The total RPL rewards that are claimable for this interval.
claimableRewardsFromPreviousIntervalBigInt!The total RPL rewards from the previous interval that rolled over into this interval.
claimablePDAORewardsBigInt!The total RPL rewards that are claimable for this interval via the PDAO reward claim contract.
claimableODAORewardsBigInt!The total RPL rewards that are claimable for this interval via the ODAO reward claim contract.
claimableNodeRewardsBigInt!The total RPL rewards that are claimable for this interval via the regula node reward claim contract.
totalRPLClaimedBigInt!The total RPL rewards claimed during this interval.
totalPDAORewardsClaimedBigInt!The total RPL rewards that have been claimed during this interval for the PDAO reward claim contract.
totalODAORewardsClaimedBigInt!The total RPL rewards that have been claimed during this interval for the ODAO reward claim contract.
totalNodeRewardsClaimedBigInt!The total RPL rewards that have been claimed during this interval for the regular node reward claim contract.
averageODAORewardClaimBigInt!Average RPL claim for the ODAO reward claim contract during this interval.
averageNodeRewardClaimBigInt!Average RPL claim for the regular node reward claim contract during this interval.
odaoRewardClaimCountBigInt!The total number of claims done for the ODAO reward claim contract during this interval.
nodeRewardClaimCountBigInt!The total number of claims done for the regular node reward claim contract during this interval.
rplRewardClaims[RPLRewardClaim!]!The total RPL rewards that were given out in this interval.
isClosedBoolean!Indicates if this interval is still active.
intervalStartTimeBigInt!Indicates when this interval started.
intervalClosedTimeBigIntIndicates when this interval ended.
intervalDurationBigInt!Indicates how long the interval was supposed to last.
intervalDurationActualBigIntIndicates how long the interval actually lasted.
blockBigInt!On what block number was this interval created.
blockTimeBigInt!At what time was this interval created.


Description: Represents an RPL reward that has been claimed by an address.

idID!Composite key based on transaction hash of the triggered event and its log index.
rplRewardIntervalIdString!Id of the associated RPL reward interval parent.
claimerString!The claiming address.
claimerTypeRPLRewardClaimerType!The type of the claimer.
amountBigInt!The total RPL amount of this claim.
ethAmountBigInt!The total ETH equivalent (in WEI) at the time of this reward.
transactionHashString!The transaction hash associated with this claim.
blockBigInt!The block number associated with this claim.
blockTimeBigInt!The block timestamp associated with this claim.


Description: Represents the network timezones and the registered node(s).

idID!Timezone name.
totalRegisteredNodesBigInt!Total nodes registered with this timezone.
blockBigInt!Block Number on which this timezone was created.
blockTimeBigInt!Block Timestamp on which this timezone was created.


Description: Represents a network balance checkpoint for all nodes.

idID!Composite key based on transaction hash of the triggered event and its log index.
previousCheckpointIdStringId to the previous checkpoint.
nextCheckpointIdStringId to the next checkpoint.
nodesRegisteredBigInt!Total number of registered RocketPool nodes at this checkpoint.
oracleNodesRegisteredBigInt!Total number of oracle nodes registered with RocketPool at this checkpoint.
rplStakedBigInt!RPL staked across all nodes at this checkpoint.
effectiveRPLStakedBigInt!Effective RPL staked across all nodes at this checkpoint.
minimumEffectiveRPLBigInt!Minimum RPL needed to collateralize the staking minipools by the absolute minimum at this checkpoint.
maximumEffectiveRPLBigInt!maximum RPL needed to collateralize the staking minipools to the absolute maximum at this checkpoint.
minimumEffectiveRPLNewMinipoolBigInt!Minimum RPL needed to start a new minipool at this checkpoint.
maximumEffectiveRPLNewMinipoolBigInt!Maximum RPL needed to start a new minipool at this checkpoint.
totalRPLSlashedBigInt!Total RPL slashed from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
totalODAORewardsClaimedBigInt!Total accrued rewards via the ODAO reward claim contract from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
totalNodeRewardsClaimedBigInt!Total accrued rewards via the regular node reward claim contract from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
averageTotalODAORewardsClaimedBigInt!Average total accrued rewards via the ODAO reward claim contract from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
averageODAORewardClaimBigInt!Average reward per claim via the ODAO reward claim contract from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
averageNodeTotalRewardsClaimedBigInt!Average total accrued rewards via the regular node reward claim contract from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
averageNodeRewardClaimBigInt!Average reward per claim via the regular node reward claim contract from all previous checkpoints up to this checkpoint.
rplPriceInETHBigInt!The RPL price in ETH at this checkpoint.
averageRplPriceInETHBigInt!The average RPL price in ETH up to this checkpoint.
queuedMinipoolsBigInt!Current queued minipools across all nodes at this checkpoint.
stakingMinipoolsBigInt!Current staking minipools across all nodes at this checkpoint.
stakingUnbondedMinipoolsBigInt!Current unbonded staking minipools across all nodes at this checkpoint.
withdrawableMinipoolsBigInt!Withdrawable minipools across all nodes at this checkpoint.
totalFinalizedMinipoolsBigInt!Total finalized minipools across all nodes up to this checkpoint.
averageFeeForActiveMinipoolsBigInt!Average minipool fee across all nodes and the active (NOT finalized or destroyed) minipools at this checkpoint.
newMinipoolFeeBigInt!Fee to start a new minipool at this checkpoint.
blockBigInt!Block number that was associated with this checkpoint.
blockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp that was associated with this checkpoint.


Description: Represents a balance checkpoint for a node.

idID!Composite key consisting of the NetworkNodeBalanceCheckpoint ID and the Node ID.
NodeNode!Node that is associated with this checkpoint.
NetworkNodeBalanceCheckpointNetworkNodeBalanceCheckpoint!Network node balance checkpoint associated with this checkpoint.
isOracleNodeBoolean!Indicator that determines if a node is an oracle node or not at this checkpoint.
oracleNodeRPLBondBigIntIf this node is an oracle node at this checkpoint then it signifies the RPL bond of the ODAO node.
oracleNodeBlockTimeBigIntIdentifies the block time of the last ODAO state change for this node at this checkpoint.
rplStakedBigInt!RPL staked at this checkpoint.
effectiveRPLStakedBigInt!Effective RPL staked at this checkpoint.
minimumEffectiveRPLBigInt!Minimum RPL needed to collateralize the staking minipools by the bare minimum at this checkpoint.
maximumEffectiveRPLBigInt!Maximum RPL needed to collateralize the staking minipools by the absolute maximum at this checkpoint.
totalRPLSlashedBigInt!Total RPL slashed up to this checkpoint.
totalODAORewardsClaimedBigInt!Total accrued rewards via the ODAO reward claim contract up to this checkpoint.
totalNodeRewardsClaimedBigInt!Total accrued claimed rewards via the regular node reward claim contract up to this checkpoint.
averageODAORewardClaimBigInt!Average rewards accrued via the ODAO reward claim contract for this node up to this checkpoint.
averageNodeRewardClaimBigInt!Average rewards accrued via the regular node reward claim contract for this node up to this checkpoint.
odaoRewardClaimCountBigInt!Total successful claims a node has done via the ODAO reward claim contract up to this checkpoint.
nodeRewardClaimCountBigInt!Total successful claims a node has done via the regular node reward claim contract up to this checkpoint.
queuedMinipoolsBigInt!Queued minipools for this node at this checkpoint.
stakingMinipoolsBigInt!Staking minipools for this node at this checkpoint.
stakingUnbondedMinipoolsBigInt!Unbonded staking minipools for this node at this checkpoint.
withdrawableMinipoolsBigInt!Withdrawable minipools across for this node at this checkpoint.
totalFinalizedMinipoolsBigInt!Total Finalized minipools for this node up to this checkpoint.
averageFeeForActiveMinipoolsBigInt!Average minipool fee for this node and the active (NOT finalized or destroyed) minipools at this checkpoint.
blockBigInt!Block number that was associated with this checkpoint.
blockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp that was associated with this checkpoint.


Description: Represents a minipool for a node.

idID!Address of the minipool.
nodeNode!Node that is associated with this minipool.
feeBigInt!Fee that was assigned to this minipool when it was created.
nodeDepositETHAmountBigInt!Node deposit ETH amount (in WEI) that was assigned to this minipool when it was created.
nodeDepositBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool received a node deposit.
userDepositETHAmountBigInt!User deposit ETH amount (in WEI) that was assigned to this minipool.
userDepositBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool received a user deposit.
queuedBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool was queued.
dequeuedBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool was dequeued.
destroyedBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool was destroyed.
stakingBlockTimeBigInt!Block number at which this minipool transitioned to the staking state.
withdrawableBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool was marked as withdrawable.
finalizedBlockTimeBigInt!Block timestamp at which this minipool was marked as finalized.